Material och
Projektets deltagare
Interna projektmöten
Deltagarnas presentationer
Projektantologi 1
Projektantologi 2
Externa arrangemang
Bibliografi över samtalsgrammatik
Termbank (CA)
Summary in 
Summary in English
This page gives you a brief introduction to the
goals of the overarching project , an overview of the individual studies
and information about whom to contact to find out more.
The main objective of Grammar in Conversation: a Study of Swedish
was to examine the relationship between social interaction and the structure
of grammar in conversation. The project makes a Swedish contribution to
a field of research that has been dominated by studies of the English
language, and gives new perspectives on the structure of Swedish.
The project used several methods such as Conversational Analysis (CA)
and different branches of functionally oriented grammar. The material (video and
audio recordings of primarily naturally occurring interaction) was
dealt with both from a microsociological interactional point of view and
from a more traditional linguistic angle.
The focus was on three areas that are central to the understanding of the
grammar of conversation; turn constructional units (TCUs), turn constructional methods, and discourse
particles. The studies were focussing, among other things, on modality,
turn openings and completions, the syntax of complex turns and TCUs, turn
increments, function and scope of discourse markers, interjections, and prosody.
The four-year project was coordinated from Uppsala and then Linköping and the research
was carried out by researchers from five departments at four different universities in Sweden
and Finland. The project started in January 2000 and ended in December 2004.
Project members have assembled research articles in two collections, published at Studentlitteratur, the first in 2005 and the second in 2007.
A bibliography covering
major parts of the literature on grammar and interaction in spoken Swedish
until 2001 has been made available on the webpage, and papers produced within the
project are ongoingly published on the publications
For more information, please contact:
Prof. Jan Anward (project coordinator)
Department of Culture and Communication (IKK)
Linköping University
SE 581 83 Linköping
Phone: 013 - 28 40 37, Fax: 018 28 28 10
This project was funded by the Bank of Sweden Tercentenary